Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Changing Judge Won't Change Evidence

Tom Delay is getting a new judge, preferably one that is not a democrat. Tom’s argument for the change : “There should not be a public perception of partiality in the case,” say Tom’s lawyers. The fear is that a democrat judge will not treat him fairly.

Public perception has nothing to do with getting a new judge.

I have to wonder, if the money laundering and conspiracy charges against him are “completely false,” why all the trouble to stack the deck on his side.

Tom, you can change the judge but you cannot change the evidence.

Which is really why you want a new judge: to limit the facts presented in your trial. Let’s see what evidence you ask to be “inadmissible” under this new, hopefully conservatively sympathetic judge.

Anyhow, let’s hope this new presiding judge is true to the law and not to either political party. After all, “There should not be a public perception of partiality in the case.”

Judge Removed From DeLay's Criminal Case

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