Friday, September 30, 2005

QOTW 9.30

As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.

~Karl Rove

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gay Republicans Invited For Drinks Only

Gay Republicans do you get it yet?

Gay Republican Representative David Dreier has finally hit the glass ceiling of conservative society this week, being overlooked to step in as House majority leader for indicted Tom Delay. No doubt David pretends that his lack of promotion has nothing to do with his sexual orientation. Ya, right.

Wake up David! Don’t you get it? Being a Republican will not change the fact that you are not a heterosexual. The GOP does not care how much money you contribute to their party- they eat hamburger, you suck hot dogs. When you are not in the room, your colleagues and so-called friends are repulsed by your "choice."

Yes, you are invited for drinks but do not bother staying for dinner. You are not really wanted. And you never will be. You are the GOP’s ugly step child. This is true for David Dreier, and it is true for all gay Republicans.

Maybe it is time all gay Republicans get up of their knees in Banana Republic chinos and stand up for more than their personal need for acceptance from the intolerant. The GOP does not like you. They do not want you. Why keep pretending that they do?

Republicans Dump Gay Leader, Pick House Whip Blunt

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Eliza Jane Scovill 2002-2005

This is a sad and sobering posting. With a war in Iraq and floods in the South, when I read this story I could not help but think it was the saddest thing I have heard all year.

It seems a HIV-positive mother who does not believe AIDS is real, continued in her denial and refused to test and treat her three-year-old daughter for the same condition. This child died of an AIDS-related illness. In this time of information and medicine, this should not have happened. Senseless is the only word that comes to mind.

A mother’s love is blind but it should never be merciless. Pretending AIDS is not real does not make it go away. Over 20 millions lives lost to this disease since 1981 are a testament to this. Now, due to a heartless woman whose own personal demons may have caused her own child’s death, add one three-year-old little girl to that total.

It is senseless. It is sad. It feels hopeless. And still I hope. I hope that this mother is the exception and not the rule, and that people are greater than this woman. For this hope and the soul of little Eliza Jane, today this I pray.

God bless you Eliza Jane Scovill. And may God forgive your mother.

A Mother's Denial, a Daughter's Death,0,1725776.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Friday, September 23, 2005

QOTW 9.23

Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.

~ Pearl S. Buck

Happy Birthday Mom!

Thank you Mom for EVERYTHING!

I love you more that words can say!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Gods' Work Not For Limp Wristed

Job Announcement:

Family Catholic Priest

Must be a man who heeds God’s calling.
Must be heterosexual, willing to travel and free of “any serious personality disorders,” (a.k.a. homosexuality). Must live by the Lord's Golden Rule-
most of the time.

Free room and board and automatic access to vulnerable children.

Gays not need apply.

Republicans: Embrace Your Butt-holes

We gays have been around for a long, long, long time but recently it seems that we are getting blammed for everything that goes wrong. From terrorist attacks to floods and hurricanes, if it's devasting news, it is the gays' fault.

Oh, how I long for days when Communism was the great evil that society feared, not men who have found pleasure in regions where sunshine is restricted.

Quite honestly, if conservatives would get over their fear of their anus,' we would have peace in the Middle East.

God-fearing is a given, but butt-hole fearing too? Will there ever be joy in a conservatives' Mudville? (Pun intended.) Maybe. Show me a true "compassionate conservative," and I will show you a conservative who probably owns a hand mirror or maybe even has a drunken-frat-boy story he still secretly ponders .

To all social conservatives: Embrace your butt-holes and let's give peace a REAL chance.

Ban Gay Student Group Or God Will Send A Hurricane

Calm After The Storm

These eerie yet arresting images were supposedly taken in rural Tennesse as Hurricane Katrina moved inland.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Maybe There Is A God

When godliness, abortion and eye burning, but yet quite intriguing man on man sex are to be blamed for the downfall of American society, who do moralist blame when their own organizations that are meant to protect us from ourselves, begin to crumble?

It seems the Christian has lost the Lords' upper right hand, as it slowly fades to black. Good news for free thinkers, maybe free will will once again become the norm and not the condemnation ... And maybe the Christian Coalitions' slow failure is the proof that there is a God, and they do not support hate and fear or those who preach it.

Christian Coalition Fading Fast

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

QOTW 9.16

The demand for equal rights in every vocation of life is just and fair; but, after all, the most vital right is the right to love and be loved.

~ Emma Goldman

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger

September 13, 2005

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-445-4633

Honorable Governor Schwarzenegger:

I am writing you in hopes that you will reconsider signing AB 849, the Civil Marriage and Religious Freedom Protection Act that is coming to your desk within the month.

Presently, marriage is a historic compliance of both a religious sacrament and a state contact. This is in conflict of our country’s founding policy of a separate church and state.

Regarding AB 849, it grants equal rights while separating church and state procedures regarding marriage. The state may issue civil union licenses and religious institution may provide a separate recognition. Those with moral objections are not forced to comply with the states legislation. Passing this law only extends the legal aspect of marriage already grated to heterosexual couples; the religious aspects remain separate and valid.

I understand that it’s a hot topic and both sides are very vehement about their positions. But I whole heartedly believe that signing this bill will set precedent and be “the gold standard” and model legislation for the rest of our nation. This is your opportunity to ensure a legacy of fairness and equality, not discrimination within our state. I hope you can see the bigger picture and not fear a few headlines. No doubt that it will be news for a week, but one year from today it will be old news and California will still remain the Golden State due to your leadership and courage!

Thank you for your time.


Pablo from L.A.

Take Action Now! Email The Governor

Monday, September 12, 2005

Better Misled Than Red

The Bush Administration thinking, compared to the progressiveness of the 1950s, is still playing Cold War games. As families and children suffer through Americas worst national disaster in the South, it seems international help is appreciated and accepted except from our scary-Pinko Cuban rivals.

Forget that we happily trade with our tyranical comrades China and North Korea, I guess the deep pockets of Miami Republicans (former Cubans) are deeper than we thought. Unmoved by Castro’s compassion and forever unforgiving of HIS communism, much needed aid and supplies will continue to come at tax payers expense, while donated Cuban supplies and man-power will gather dust in Havana. Better dead then red. Easy for them to say, look who's dying.

Maybe “politics before people” remains the word of the land. I know communism failed, and it looks like so does Democracy, if this is the thinking of our leaders. Ten days after Hurricane Katrina and we are still up to our necks in political manure. If only at times like these, can’t we all just get along?

Katrina Aid from Cuba? No Thanks, Says U.S.

News Flash! To Who?

I do not think this is "breaking news," but the caption says it all.

Friday, September 09, 2005

QOTW 9.9

Lets have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.

~Abraham Lincoln

Trusting Activitist Judges

We are damned if we “I do” and damned if we don’t. This week the California Assembly approved legislation that would clear way for same sex couples to marry each other, and Governor (and I use this term loosely) Schwarzenegger has promised to veto the bill before it’s even on his desk, claiming that he prefers to let the courts render their judgement on this issue.

Finally, it seems that judges are to be trusted again and are no longer tagged with as “activitist” when making legal and rightful decisions. The system work for you or against you depending on who you are. Here's hoping the judge who reviews this issue is mature, wise, intelligent, enlightened and brave enough to make the decision that Governor Girlie-man seems afraid to.

The conservatives can slow down progress by using the courts, but they cannot hold it back. Looking at the history of equal rights in this country, more are gained than are ever taken away. So, I will continue to trust the Constitution. Assuming it is not ammended to discriminate against me, my family or my friends or any other American. As I have read somewhere..."Right makes might..." and this fight though long, will not be lost.

Where's the Governator Now?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Message From Michael

Just wanted to share widoms from my friend Michael (published with his permission):

Ladies and gents, it is time for me to make my move to another city in pursuit of my dreams and aspirations.When moving to Toronto I never thought that I would be leaving the city to do what I love. Instead, the big TO has taught me some of the most valuable lessons that a person can learn. These are not things you learn in a book, in class or from your mother. They are lessons of life and your life experience. Since we all have different lives, our lessons seem different and so do our experiences and yet they are all very similar when you narrow out all of the drama.One lesson that has taken me a long time is “follow your heart”.

It’s funny that this is such a strong one for me because in high school I played the Tin Man in the Wizard of OZ. No matter who you ask and what others say, all of the answers to your questions are within you, if only you would listen. This leads into another great lesson, “Trust yourself”. How will you ever live life if you can not believe in your own choices.

I’ve finally realized that fear of making the wrong choice is the wrong choice and has only paralyzed me. Next we come to “failure is the road to success”. Who do you know succeeded on their first try in anything? Babies don’t just get up and start walking. They fall a few times, so I’ve learned to be that baby. But you’ll never walk if you don’t get up and try again. And if you don’t get up and try again, you’ll stay in those diapers a lot longer.“Keep going” was a most recent psychological breakthrough that I had.

We all encounter walls that, at first, may seem impossible to climb. But who said you had to climb. There are a million ways to get to the other side. So never give up, just build and big bomb and blow the wall to bits! Why do we limit ourselves? Probably because we were taught to.

This summer I did things that I NEVER THOUGHT I could do and realized that I AM capable of doing so much more that I think I can. It is so great to know and have that power in your pocket because the box of limitations that we live in is lifted and we see our world as it truly is.

Now here’s a word that means so much to me and probably everyone, “Commitment”. Yikes! I’ve had so much trouble committing myself to anything. All I ever did was take samples of every flavor of ice cream and hold up the line with indecision. Just make a choice and move on. Who knows what life will taste like and wouldn’t it be boring if you did?!

I can still hear my mothers voice saying, “Michael, just be patient”. Those words use to drive me up the wall, probably because I didn’t have the patience to listen. Again, this is not something you learn just by reading it in a Deepok Chopra book. Like patience, you must be patient to become patient. Does that make sense? Just be patient and soon it will!

Courage, strength and never fear are among some of the other wonderful lessons that have come my way. I’m not saying that I have mastered these, but I am aware that these are tools for me to use so that I can live my life to the fullest.Dance has been a long time dream of mine. Actually, it was figure skating and gymnastics that hid themselves in my heart from a very early age.

To pursue something like this at 27 seems insane but to me, it has been the greatest challenge and experience in my life. I don’t know how to explain it but when I dance, deep inside, another land exists. This is where I have learned so much about myself. All of these lessons have been learned in dance and in life. My spirit is taking me on a journey of self discovery and I am very grateful for having been given a ticket. I am also grateful for having met all of you along the way and know that everyone will remain in my heart. When I dance, when I sing, when I jump and when I fall, you have all blessed my life with yours...

with love,

And you have blessed us Michael, with yours! Good luck in Montreal!

Friday, September 02, 2005

QOTW 9.2

Charity begins at home, but should not end there.

~ Thomas Fuller