Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Eliza Jane Scovill 2002-2005

This is a sad and sobering posting. With a war in Iraq and floods in the South, when I read this story I could not help but think it was the saddest thing I have heard all year.

It seems a HIV-positive mother who does not believe AIDS is real, continued in her denial and refused to test and treat her three-year-old daughter for the same condition. This child died of an AIDS-related illness. In this time of information and medicine, this should not have happened. Senseless is the only word that comes to mind.

A mother’s love is blind but it should never be merciless. Pretending AIDS is not real does not make it go away. Over 20 millions lives lost to this disease since 1981 are a testament to this. Now, due to a heartless woman whose own personal demons may have caused her own child’s death, add one three-year-old little girl to that total.

It is senseless. It is sad. It feels hopeless. And still I hope. I hope that this mother is the exception and not the rule, and that people are greater than this woman. For this hope and the soul of little Eliza Jane, today this I pray.

God bless you Eliza Jane Scovill. And may God forgive your mother.

A Mother's Denial, a Daughter's Death

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