Wednesday, December 28, 2005

2005 Year in Review News Quiz

It was a banner year for news junkies. The death of a pope. The selection of a new one. BTK. Terri Schiavo. Katrina. Iraq. London bombings. Pakistan earthquake. White House indictments.
But how much attention were you REALLY paying? Here’s our 25-question, tougher-than-our-usual-weekly-news-quiz test — your chance to measure your news-junkie mettle (and a good excuse to avoid that holiday-time chin-wag with boring old Uncle Charlie).

2005 Year in Review News Quiz

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Gays Are Everywhere

Teachers, lawyers, doctors and now even neo- Nazi leaders - by God, we are everywhere!

Apparently the spokes-hole for a neo-nazi group is gay! Is this shocking? But in all honesty, can we really blame him?

Hot guys, shaved heads, rampant testosterone and big black boots, it's a gay man's fantasy. (Well one of them at least.)

To Bill, my d-sucking, a-eating, bend-over-and-take-it-like-a-man brother/sista' I say: You go fräulein!

Bill White - The gay spokesman for the neo-nazi, National Socialism Movement

Friday, December 23, 2005

QOTW 12.23

"How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, his precepts! O! 'tis easier to keep holidays than commandments."

~ Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bush Pardons His Coke Dealer?

Having "demonstrated full acceptance and responsibility and remorse for their offense, and each has repaid his debt to society," Bush pardon some old friends this week.

One, was "a Denver lawyer for drug-related crimes she committed more than two decades ago."

Has Bush been dreaming of a white Christmas?

Am I crazy or does this look like Bush just pardoned his former coke connection? (Pure speculation ofcourse, I don't know what the nature of the relationship was of these two former cocaine users.)

For her appreciation to the President, she sent him an antique hand mirror once owned by Eva Peron and a Williams Sonoma spice grinder.

Bush Pardons Denver Attorney,1299,DRMN_15_4331378,00.html

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

No Fruitcup for God-fearing Non-activist Judge

Their efforts have failed, despite Christian conservatives hopes to get a U. S. district ( or a.k.a. an activist in their favor) judge to support a repackaged creationism called "Intellegent Design" in public schools. This failure is the result of a decision by a well read, legally compentent, socially conscience judge who saw "I.D." as “ a religious view, a mere re-labeling of creationism, and not a scientific theory.”

And more telling... this judgment was issued by a God-fearing, chuch-going Republican appointed judge! Yes, he is one of their very own.

No doubt, he just lost his place in line for heaven. I have a feeling this year, this dark siding Republican judge will be eating at the little kids table during Christmas dinner to. And no fruitcup!

Again whats right wins over what's righteous. As it should be.

Judge Rules Against ‘Intelligent Design’

Thank You Terri

Terri Schiavo's death was not in vain. Her contribution to our society maybe impacting and immeasurable. We shall see in 2006 and more importantly in 2008. One thing is certain, Terri is at peace and the GOP is struggling with unrest.

For this I cannot thank you enough Terri.

Terri Schiavo Derails Social Agenda of Christian Right

Monday, December 19, 2005

Tom Cruise and the Right Path

This is an interesting LA times article about Scientology, Tom Cruise and an "evil tyrant named Xenu" who lived 75 million years ago and apparently is still impacting our lives.

Now, this posting is not meant as judgment. If Tom wants to believe in some accient bully, this is his right. This is his chosen path. If it helps him become a better man, I encourage it. I encourge doing anything that makes us better Beings. If reading Marianne Williamson, Gary Zukav or L. Ron. Hubbard or the bible for that matter lifts you to your higher self, do it. If attending church, weekend retreats or doing The Forum helps, do it.

We are all here, a part of evolution. Asking questions, learning more about the Universe, what others believe and finding out those things that we didn't know but now like to hear more about are what helps us evolve. This is what life is. Questioning, thinking, learning and evolving and hopefully becoming something greater than we imagined was possible.

Tom is doing it. He is on his right path and I wish him well on it.

In the future year, I would like to share more of my personal experiences and insights that I have learned on my path. And as they have helped me evolve, I hope they will help you.

At Inland Base, Scientologists Trained Top Gun,1,278560.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

We Are The Stockholders Of America

A Letter from Marc, to America:

Hello to my closest Friends and Family,

I have never been politically active except as to read the news and vote. I have never felt as strongly as I do today that it is my responsibility to get involved and do something, even is it "just" writing letters. Who knows, someday it may turn into something more. But I' ll get to my point...

I am sick and tired of President Bush! I have had it with him. He has lied to me, mislead me, ruined my surplus, acted egocentrically, shown his lack of concern for the less well to do, shown a lack of leadership skills, displayed his lapse of morals on numerous occasions, shown his inability to articulate his thoughts in an intelligent manner countless times, and behave in a rational and caring manner during times of hardship, crisis, and disaster.

I am tired of him "talking down" to me and explaining issues to me as if I were in sixth grade. (You know what I mean by this.) This manner of speaking pretty much occurs in every one of his speeches that he knows a large percentage of the public will view or hear. Well, I say, "I am not stupid! You can not speak to me this way! Don't talk to me like I am stupid! No longer buddy, this must end!"

I am tired of President Bush's corporate, "good ole boy", "i'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine", treatment of The Presidency. The giving of favors to corporations in return for favors is not how to run a country. The running of this country demands the highest of standards. We set an example to the world and we bare much responsibility to it.

I do not feel safer, I do not feel better off, I do not feel more secure, I do not feel better prepared for my future life (except for what I have done) and I have seen the erosion of personal freedoms, I have seen the places in nature where I've been to and the places in nature I want to go be thrown into the back seat (the trunk for that matter), I do not feel like my heath care is a concern, I do not feel like children are given high priority (they should be given first priority, in my view), I have seen the religious right gain enormous power within this presidency, I have seen rational thinking come under attack, I have experienced a lack of respect for freedom of religions occur this Holiday Season, I have seen a surge in world dismay and dislike over United States Policy and actions, and I have seen the use of torture come into use. I have seen so many policies that I am not in agreement with, so many actions that I do not agree with, I have seen so many mistakes, over and over again, that it's time for me to say something.

It is high time for The People of The United States to take back their country. Take it back from the corporate funded politicians and give it back to elected government representatives that have The People's best interest in mind. I do not care the for running our country like a corporation as President Bush and his coterie have done. I get treated like "an employee" enough at work, I do not want to come home to hear and see that I am being treated in this same manner by MY government. At work we expect it. If we do not like the way we are treated at work, then we can leave and find a new job that gives us the respect we demand. My country, I can not leave. My country should work for me. We are the stock holders of these United States.

By this point you can clearly see that I am sick and tired of President Bush. This is not about Republicans versus Democrats or Conservatives versus Progressives, I definitely have some of each in me. This is about accepting responsibility (before you are made to!) with sincerity and by behaving accordingly for a person in this highest of positions. He is a world leader for God's sake! Act like it!

It is time to do something. I am tired of feeling powerless, that I can not have an effect on this great nation of ours and even the world. It is time for me to do something.

This evening, I sent out three e-mails to my two state senators and my congresswoman. I expressed my displeasure with the Bush Presidency. I requested that they do everything within their power to remove President Bush from office. I also asked for advice on what I could do to participate in removing this man from office.

The past two or three years I have been reading books on politics, listening to the news, and reading the news online (both sides and down the middle even!). I have educated myself about many things and have discovered how much more there I have yet to learn.
If you have not already done so,I suggest you to do the same. I think you might be suprised how interesting it can be. Listen, read, and watch! From the left to the right and then back again. Do some of your own writing to get your thoughts down and ask yourself what really, really matters to you. Revisit it over and over and over again, further clarifying each time. Are YOU being served with YOUR best interest in mind? Have you really taken the time to decide where your best interest lie, or have you come to rely on someone else to tell you? well, I'll let you decide to decide now, you know how I feel now.

This took me quite lot of courage to write, my first mass e-mailing of me sharing my thoughts with all of you. I hope it gives you pause for consideration. I do not intend to be offensive but to be honest and share my feelings.

I have also provided links to the Senate and Congress so that you can find your representatives. I urge you to follow them and find out what they believe in and how they are representing you. Most importantly, let them know what you think. It will take 10 minutes or less to get involved and write them a letter by e-mail.

As you may or may not know, I am a gay male, 36 years old, in a long term, 13 year relationship. We have had our ups and downs and have come out all the stronger. I have experimented with drugs. I have questioned organized religion's intentions and beliefs. I have never been particularly outstanding. I'm pretty low key. I have my insecurities. I feel like those few things alone would make me one of the least "wanted to be heard from" voices that most of America would want to hear from. But here I am. I am going to make a difference in this world and I began tonight.

I urge you, beg you to do the same. Write a short letter and let your representatives know how you feel, even if you disagree with me! Get to know who they are and what they stand for. Get just a little bit more involved. It is your responsibility you know! Don't be like Bush and disregard it! (okay, that's enough guilt. No one will ever know what you do : )
Please feel free to distribute this e-mail as you see fit. Please use a cut and paste format instead of simply forwarding. This is my opinion only and do not wish for anyone else's name or e-mail to be associated with it unless they decide to forward it themselves. Find your Senator here! Find your Congressperson here!

I wish you all the best and thank you for your time.


Friday, December 16, 2005

QOTW 12.16

There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child.

~ Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Top Ten Signs You're A Gay Cowboy

10. "Your saddle is Versace."
9. "Instead of 'Home On The Range', you sing 'It's Raining Men!'"
8. "You enjoy ridin', ropin', and redecoratin.'"
7. "Sold your livestock to buy tickets to 'Mamma Mia.'"
6. "After watching reruns of 'Gunsmoke', you have to take a cold shower."
5. "Native Americans refer to you as 'Dances With Men.'"
4. "You've been lassoed more times than most steers."
3. "You're wearing chaps, yet your 'ranch' is in Chelsea."
2. "Instead of a saloon you prefer a salon."
1. "You love riding, but you don't have a horse."

Yes, I know it reeks of stereo-types, but come on... it is funny.

The Late Show with David Letterman - 12/13/05

Monday, December 12, 2005

Brokeback Mountain

Read the original short story as it appeared in the New Yorker in 1997.

Friday, December 09, 2005

QOTW 12.9

God always takes the simplest way.

~ Albert Einstein

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Wallace Interviews Bush: I Wish

Hard hitting CBS newsman Mike Wallace has talked to everyone from Malcolm X to Johnny Carson, but he has never interviewed George W. Bush. Why is this?

Well, according a recent interview, Wallace was asked if he could interview President Bush, what he would ask. This is what he said:

What in the world prepared you to be the commander in chief of the largest superpower in the world?

In your background, Mr. President, you apparently were incurious. You didn't want to travel. You knew very little about the military. . . . The governor of Texas doesn't have the kind of power that some governors have. . . . Why do you think they nominated you?

Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that the country is so [expletive] up?

That's why. Not the usual softball questions the president regularly answers. Apparently G.W. is smarter then we thought by declining to be interviewed by Wallace. Hate that!

Holiday Shopping: Remember to Buy Blue! supports businesses that share progressive values and ideals.

They believe in atriple bottom line: people, planet and profit. uses its power as consumers to vote with our wallets, supporting businesses that abide by sustainability, workers' rights, environmental standards, and corporate transparency. At the same time, focuses sharply on businesses that violate the essential values of a sustainable, fair and profitable society through their policies and the politicians they support. will become a powerful tool used by a community of millions. They hope to form strong coalitions with stockholders, shareholders, corporations, small businesses and communities which share our values to gain strength through numbers. We will influence the political landscape, stimulate economic growth among participating businesses and industries and use the American dollar as an incentive for corporate transparency and responsibility.

In the wake of the recent Ford Motors pull out in gay mags advertisment and of homo events , buying blue is more important than ever. A complete listing of local/national businesses to support are located on the website. Black, white, gay or straight... green is green and it adds up!

For your holiday shopping this year (and every day,) rememeber to buy blue!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bush Is Not My Pope

Christian conservatives are now waging war to put Christ back into Christmas! Like he ever left. Just because we call it a "holiday tree" now does not mean that it does not represent Christmas day, the day of Jesus' birth.

Conservatives are upset that the President is sending out "holiday cards" not "christmas cards." Hello! The president is being inclusive to all those who don't believe in Christ, per se but still have the spirit of the season. In other, words those who are being Christ-like.

Apparently, that is not enough. We must all drink the Kool-aid from the Christian's punch bowl!

Come on folks. He's the president of the United States. He is a president for ALL the people, he is not the American Pope. This is not a christian oligarchy.

Maybe we worry less about keeping Christ in Christmas, and worry more about keeping democracy in our Democracy.

Bushes' 'Holiday' Cards Ring Hollow for Some

Friday, December 02, 2005

QOTW 12.2

"The question is not: Do I have the capacity to change the world? The question is: Do I have the commitement to change it?"

~ Me

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Wisdoms From My Friend Shawn

I was diagnosed HIV+ 18 years ago when I was 22 years old. It was my first act of making love with a man and I was very naive and young. It was 1987. I was living in Newport Beach, California. I have been blessed with relatively good health and medications have kept me going all of these years. I have had numerous opportunistic infections and of course the one that almost killed me this year. I survived and I am a very fortunate man.

Today, I will remember those who have gone before me.

Today, I will rejoice that I am still alive and healthy,

Today, I will reflect on my life and where I go from here,

Today, I will participate in my own health recovery,

Today, I will express gratitude to all of those who have helped to keep me alive,

Today, I will help someone else who is living with HIV/AIDS,

Today, I will love myself, I will love life and I will love those in my life.

Please take some time today to reflect on what this epidemic has done.


Shawn writes a column for HIV Stops with called "Positive Encounters." He has been a dear friend for nearly ten years. I love you Shawn.

To read Shawn's articles and adventures:

Worlds AIDS Day 2005

Today I remember quiet, shy Mike Strome, a former coworker who lost his battle to AIDS last week.

And to all those who have gone before him, I rememeber you to and pray God's love and peace surround you and your families today and forever.

God help and bless us everyone.

Log on to and light a virtual candle.

For every candle lit, Bristol-Myers Squibb will provide a $1 (up to $100,000) donation to help support community based organizations in the U.S. in their efforts against HIV/AIDS.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

US AIDS Policy of Disregard & Soul Saving (Part 2)

AIDS Prevention, Conservatively (Part 2 of 2)

(The American Prospect)
“This shift seems to send a message that we’ll only educate you after you’re infected,” Oatman said. “The CDC is under pressure to reduce infections, but the new guidelines have made it clear that young adults are not a priority even though their data shows that half of all new infections happen under the age of 25.”

The CDC, however, argues that it needs to focus on those who are already infected in order to make progress against the disease.

“Today about a quarter of the people who are HIV-positive don’t know that they are positive,” CDC spokeswoman Jessica Frickey said. “We need to get them connected to the services and knowledge they need to deal with this disease if we want to see a decrease in new cases. This doesn’t mean there has been any indication that the CDC prevention focus is going to change from its comprehensive approach.”

The shift away from prevention education is of a piece with many pro-abstinence policy decisions made by the Bush administration. In the last four years, funding for abstinence programs has more than doubled, from $80 million in fiscal year 2001 to $168 million in FY2005, while HIV/AIDS treatment, care, and prevention programs have mostly been flat-funded. The CDC's condom Web site was edited to emphasize abstinence, and its site on effective educational programs was removed altogether.

More troublingly, in 2002 and 2003 several leading AIDS organizations faced repeated audits. Around the same time, 150 National Institutes of Health-funded researchers were placed on a “hit list” given to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce by a group called the Traditional Values Coalition. The coalition deemed the researchers’ work on sexual behavior and HIV controversial.

And in June 2004, the CDC introduced new regulations that required groups receiving federal funding to submit all educational materials to review boards staffed by state and local health officials in addition to the prevention experts who currently review programs. While the policy has not yet gone into effect, its repercussions seem obvious.

“These guidelines could be very dangerous,” Riggs said. “If you live in a conservative community, you will basically have duct tape on your mouth.”

The abstinence focus is not the only obstacle, of course; the amount of money that goes to abstinence programs is only a fraction of the funds needed for comprehensive prevention, treatment, and care services. And HIV/AIDS programs are not the only ones strapped for funding; as Murray Penner, director of the care and treatment program at the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors, points out, most public-health programs are in similar straits.

But it is significant that an administration that has heralded itself as an international leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS has done so much to undermine the cause at home. It has dramatically increased funding for abstinence-only education while flat-funding crucial prevention and treatment programs. It has harassed community organizations working on HIV prevention. And while right-wing attacks have not completely destroyed the bonds of cooperation between the CDC and community organizations (many community organizers are quick to point out the strains the CDC itself faces from a tight budget and an ideological administration), there is a sense of caution among advocates when they talk about CDC policies. In this environment, it is difficult for many of them to tell just where science ends and dogma begins.

“This administration is trying to reinforce a certain conservative ideology, and that is not an appropriate use of federal funds,” Riggs said. “At the end of the day, they are putting peoples’ lives at risk.”

US AIDS Policy of Disregard & Soul Saving (Part 1)

Thursday, December 1st marks the 23rd World AIDS Day.

In the United States, we are averaging 40,000 new infections every year. 40,000! And trends show that that number is sadly rising. In Australia, where the federal government has taken a national, aggressive approach to preventing new infection through comprehensive education beginning in grade schools, they average only 800 new infections per year. Yes, only 800 new infections per year for the whole country! ( 800 new infections vs. 40,000 new infections: This fact alone demonstrates that as a nation, we are doing something wrong, that we are not doing enough.

We in HIV prevention struggle daily against the conservative current. I believe this op-ed hits the mark about HIV prevention and the current political system dead on, and demonstrates the challenges we face to make a difference in a climate that prefers we go away.

What this writer states occurs in this counrty everyday. As I have come to call it, this policy of disregard and soul saving is not front page information. And 40,000 more will be infected because if it.

As I have written before, ignoring a problem will not make it go away, and just because it may not be your problem now, if this thinking persist... in time it will be. Sooner or later, we will all be affected. So I ask you to read this two part editorial and ask yourself one question... Is it appropitate that the current admistration wants to save save your soul rather than your life?

It seems to me as if we do it their way or or go away. Personally, I know their way is not working and I am not going away either. I am in this fight until the end. I hope you are to.

AIDS Prevention, Conservatively (Part 1 of 2)
by Alyson Zureick, CBS News
August 23, 2005

"It is significant that an administration that has heralded itself as an international leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS has done so much to undermine the cause at home."

This was supposed to be a milestone year in the fight against AIDS. In 2001, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that it intended to intensify its prevention programs in order to cut new HIV infections in half by 2005. Instead, the number has held steady at 40,000 a year since 1998. Just this June, the CDC announced that, for the first time since the 1980s, more than 1 million people in this country are living with HIV or AIDS. This number partly reflects the fact that, thanks to medical advances, more people are living longer with the disease, even though public treatment and care programs for HIV-positive individuals -- such as the Ryan White CARE Act and Medicaid -- are massively strained for funds.

But they also represent a huge step backward on an essential front: prevention. Activists fear that the Bush administration is more concerned with ideology than prevention -- and that it is using institutions like the CDC to discourage organizations from broadcasting prevention messages that go against the administration’s conservative ideology.

The San Francisco-based Stop AIDS Project is a case in point. For years the organization, which works with gay and bisexual men at risk for HIV/AIDS, was considered the gold standard in HIV prevention. Stop AIDS began receiving federal funding from the CDC in 1992, according to spokesman Jason Riggs. A few years later, program staff and volunteers launched a number of projects that would become national program models for the CDC.

But in August 2002, after a decade of working with the CDC, Stop AIDS was hit with three successive audits, instigated by Indiana Congressman Mark Souder, who claimed that Stop AIDS was using federal funds to finance programs promoting sex. The organization passed each audit with flying colors, Riggs said, but still, in June 2003, the CDC informed Stop AIDS staff that they would have to end prevention workshops deemed too risqué or risk losing federal funding.

In the end, Riggs said, nothing came of the threats. Yet last summer, several of Stop AIDS’ programs were ruled ineligible for federal funding because of a shift, initiated last year by the CDC, in the types of community prevention programs eligible for federal funds.

Known as “Advancing HIV Prevention,” the guidelines redirect the federal prevention funding available to private community organizations away from groups working primarily on education and counseling and to community health clinics and organizations focused instead on HIV testing. Critics of the policy, like Terje Anderson, executive director of the National Association of People with AIDS, see the strategy as a way for the CDC to quietly defund the safe-sex education programs that have been controversial within the Bush administration.

“The ideology behind this strategy is all about individual choice, not the environment that shapes these choices,” Anderson said. “It ignores how much this disease is about social context.”

Dozens of organizations across the country lost funding, and many were forced to cut staff and programs. One of these, the Northern Virginia AIDS Ministry, now reaches 6,500 fewer young adults than before the CDC's decision, according to deputy director Andrew Oatman.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Truth About Condoms

Finally, the FDA is catching on.

Scarying people about sex does not make people NOT want sex.

The truth is comdoms are safe, they are smart to use and the only thing really frightening are those who think that preventing disease and saving lives are not as important as spreading fear.

Reminder: World's AIDS Day is Dec 1.

New FDA Condom Labels Won’t Verstate Failures

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Share RENT with Friends

Having been a fan of the stage show, I am happy to say that the film version of RENT is well worth seeing. Naturally the movie lacks the high energy that jumps off the stage in certain numbers, and some songs were cut and there is more dialogue to help the story's momentum, but gratefully the story and themes of the musical remain intact. As the end credits rolled, it seemed most in the audience were frozen in their seats, catching their breath or just reflecting on what they just experienced. Many had tears in their eyes.

If you are a fan, you will not be disappointed and if you are a first-timer, you will be pleasantly surprised. This film is best shared with good friends, because good friends are what it is all about.

Official RENT - The Movie Website

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Haw Haw GOP

Dear poor GOP.

To quote The Simpson’s Nelson: “Haw Haw!”

Esquire: Clinton is World's "Most Influential Man"

Fair, Balanced and Mundane

Why do I keep hearing conservatives yammering about the "liberal media." It seems they have their own spokes holes as well. It's called Fox News. Oh how I missed the days of the Fairness Doctrine. It was mundane television, but it did not have to remind us it was fair and balanced (as Fox does). For the most part, it just was.

Fox News Won't Show Ad Opposing Alito;_ylt=AvKzYqOov9XIfawSoV_kAV2s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OXIzMDMzBHNlYwM3MDM-

Friday, November 11, 2005

QOTW 11.11

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.

~ Aristotle

Is Pat Robertson God's Vegence?

When I hear the things that come out of Pat Robinson’s mouth I cannot help but wonder, what does God really think? Maybe Robertson is God’s reprisal on a society that takes his teaching at a literal level and not on a deeper, meaningful and truthful one. He is weeding out the weak minded from the strong, compassionate and forgiving. Read the bible, and decide for yourself.

Trust God, not Pat.

Televangelist Warns of Evolution Doomsday

Surprise! Bush is Not Honest

Bush is not honest? Is this really news? What are we going to find out next: that there are no WMD's, that activitist judges are conservative as well as liberal, that homosexuals want the right to marry... is there no end to getting the real story?

AP Poll: Most Americans Say Bush Not Honest

Thursday, November 10, 2005

More Government; Less Gays

Here we go again. The Republican Party mantra of “less government” is now “more government; big government, nothing but government 24/7.” So much for states rights and Reagan’s New Federalism policies; The Republican are doing their part to keep the world safe from gays. But who is keeping us safe from the Republicans?

Federal Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment Moves Forward

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Monday, November 07, 2005

Vatican Admits Science is Good

The bible teaches us that God created the heavens and the earth. After all he does not just spend his day his days crafting divine retributions, he dabbles in science as well.

I believe science is God's gift for us to use wisely. Apparently and finally, so does the Vatican.

The doors opened in 1992, when Pope John Paul II finally acknowledged that “we may have been hasty in our original condemnation of Galileo for heresy.” ( ) It took the Vatican almost 360 years to concede that he was correct and that in fact, yes the earth is round. (So I don’t give up hope that the church will come around on understanding the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality.)

Today, the holy powers concedes that science is our friend. So dear fellow Catholics, seek invitro fertilization if needed, take medications daily, use condoms, and eat Splenda. These and the entire universe are God’s gift to us. Just remember to say thank you.

Vatican: Faithful Should Listen to Science,0,6358654,print.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines

Friday, November 04, 2005

QOTW 11.4

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

~ E.M. Forster

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Changing Judge Won't Change Evidence

Tom Delay is getting a new judge, preferably one that is not a democrat. Tom’s argument for the change : “There should not be a public perception of partiality in the case,” say Tom’s lawyers. The fear is that a democrat judge will not treat him fairly.

Public perception has nothing to do with getting a new judge.

I have to wonder, if the money laundering and conspiracy charges against him are “completely false,” why all the trouble to stack the deck on his side.

Tom, you can change the judge but you cannot change the evidence.

Which is really why you want a new judge: to limit the facts presented in your trial. Let’s see what evidence you ask to be “inadmissible” under this new, hopefully conservatively sympathetic judge.

Anyhow, let’s hope this new presiding judge is true to the law and not to either political party. After all, “There should not be a public perception of partiality in the case.”

Judge Removed From DeLay's Criminal Case,1280,-5385184,00.html

B+ for G.W.

Kudos to President Bush (see… I don’t just bash him) for his insightful and proactive approach to what could be a “new pandemic.” (“Pandemic”: Bush’s new word of the week. Okay a little bashing. I can’t help it.)

With surprising forethought, the Bush administration is planning ahead in preparation for the deadly possibilities of a bird flu outbreak. Very wise, very astute, and just when Bush’s approval rating is at a record low. Coincidence? Who knew public health was a pawn for political popularity? To bad Reagan's numbers were so good in the 80s; maybe we have an AIDS vaccine today?

Dear George W., with 40 million people infected with H.I.V. worldwide, Bird Flu may be a new pandemic but it is certainly not the only one we should be working against. B+ for effort.

Bush Outlines $7.1 billion Flu Pandemic Strategy

Monday, October 31, 2005

All Be Afraid

Should I be afraid that the group Concerned Women for America, which threatened a boycott against Starbucks for gay themed coffee cups “Hot Coffee & Bitter Women” /August 05 posting, are also getting calls from the White House for Supreme Court nominee referrals?

I believe in God, he is all forgiving. It's Christian women with insider power that frightens me. Maybe we should all be afraid.

Anti-gay Group with Gay CFO OK's Bush Choosing Samuel Alito for Supreme Court

Free Speech Fading Out

Ranked 17th in 2002 and then 22nd last year, the United States is moving fast down the list, placing 44th on this year's international press freedom index. What is happening to our free speech?

What is happening to one of the pilliars of our Constitution?

Look at the shiny penny over here: War in Iraq, Supreme Court nominations, CIA leaks, Brad and Jenny split up. Should I go on? All the while, free speech slowly fades out.

U.S. Ranks 44th in Worldwide Press Freedom Index

Friday, October 28, 2005

QOTW 10.28

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.

~ Abraham Lincoln

Invisible Mary Cheney Reappears

The world’s most invisible lesbian Mary Cheney reappeared this week and has been hired by America on Line. According to inside sources, in this an untitled position, she will “assist in managing the advertising, e-commerce and search engines and… will help the company develop LGBT content.”

Hello! Mary Cheney knows about as much about the real LGBT community as we know about her, (meaning very little). Is she even really a lesbian?

Anyhow, I heard Hooters needs someone to help develop “straight” content. I drink beer, I fart and burb. Do I get the job?

Vice President's Daughter to Join AOL

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Psalm 24... and Counting

Prayer for Our Future

George W. is my president; yet I shall not fear.
He maketh me cry now for greener pastures.
He leadeth us to a desert slaughter.
He slumpeth in the polls.
He forces me down paths of HIS morality for his small supporters’ (with deep pockets) sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of dread,
I will fear no two-term evil,
for truth is with me;
its power and its certainty,
they console me.

God prepare a future for me
in unity with my enemies;
enlighten their heads with wisdom;
(who knows? maybe their capital will overflow).
Surely decency and actual “gentle conservativeness” shall follow all the days of ours lives,
and we shall dwell in a homeland of free thinking

© 2005

Pagans, Let Us Pray

So the ultra-Christians win again. And we, the liberals and moderates (a.k.a. most America) are left to ponder what life may have been with a extremist we somewhat knew verses to extremist we don't.

As "conservative backers had doubts about her (Harriet Miers) ideological purity," (fancy words for saying she is not as tight-assed as us,) Bush's next nominee will be far more right, far more righteous and far more frightening. The immediate outlook is not looking so bright. Let's keep our fingers crossed and despite what the conservatives believe about us anti-family anti-God pagans, let us pray for the future of our country. (See "Psalm 24”)

Miers Withdraws Supreme Court Nomination

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Gay in Spirit

Please excuse my two week hiatus. I was out of town. Got sick. And reconnected with my old high school friends for a wedding.

Congratulations to Rich and Pam! Thank you for inviting us to the party. Which brings me to my current posting below…

Like the women's liberation movement of the 70s that lead way to female world leaders, CEOs, doctors, police officers and unisex restrooms at your local gas station, gay liberation is creating its own results that many would not have foreseen, and some even sadly, bitch about. I am talking about the growing number of straight men in gay bars and at circuit parties. Dude! What the hell is this about?

Dude! Who cares? I think it's great.

With their girlfriends (or wives in tow,) or even single and hanging out with their gay friends or siblings, they are joining the party for all the fun and celebration. When I was “straight,” the company of men I kept was not as cool. Going to a “fag bar” was not an option. Drinking beer chased down with shots of chilled Southern Comfort then hitting a Del Taco drive thru with our pants down in a shopping cart, now that was good night! Okay was it senseless.It was straight guy fun, bro! Now, I can barely remember those drunken escapades.

Now, the gays and the straights have become friends. Shaking my gay shimmy against a straight money-maker is not as bothersome as it is powerful. They grow older with us, they grow wiser with us. They will father children who will receive gifts on Christmas morning not only from Santa, but as well as from Uncle John and Steve or Aunt Cindy and Stephanie. These straight men who share our bar stools and chuckle at our secrets will settle down as adults with their children in a new world that welcomes us as part of the family; a real home that accepts gay and lesbians for all our goodness and faults without question, fear or prejudice.

Remember your childhood, as you sat at the Thanksgiving card table at your grandparents and heard your families talk about their proms and youthful histories. "Member, you member..." Now close your eyes, and look into your future at the same holiday, as you and your friends (gay and straight) regale about favorite clubs that are now furniture stores or parking lots, prides, parties or Cher no-shows. The laughter and children abound. Yes, the times are a changing and are we only the better for it. And that coy straight guy hanging out with his gay friend is the sign of this change.

I know some would argue that because Grace has a friend named Will, this is sign that all is good in the world, but let's face it; we are still on the road less traveled.

This world was not made in a day and nor will the new one evolve after a three day weekend in South Beach. When you stare at that straight guy who reluctantly but inevitably takes his shirt off at the dance club, know he is more than a dance partner who needs coned off floor space, he is, maybe for his first time, feeling what we often feel on a bar bar- comfortable being himself. And at that moment at least, he is one of us, gay in spirit. Having a great time, feeling it, being it.

Smile at him and tell him “Thanks for coming.” Invite him to the next party, ask him to bring friends. As time and we move onward, attitudes change. He is proof of that. "Why can't we all just get along?" This man questions society not his or your sexuality. He is the face of a greater future and our inevitable right to marry.

Maybe in return, this straight man in a gay bar may invite you into his home. Or even to be best man at has wedding. He will invite into his home and into his life for big mug of friendship. And with this, a new world comes into being where there may no longer be straight bars or gay bars, just bars- where as always, friends come to have a good time, laugh out loud and maybe dance (to Cher) together.

Friday, October 07, 2005

QOTW 10.7

For my LA friends:

"Rosas! Rosas!...Rosas!?"

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ban on Lesbians

Who would ever think I would miss Ronald Reagan and his policy of "less government."

Indiana Considers Ban On Lesbian Pregnancies

Friday, September 30, 2005

QOTW 9.30

As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.

~Karl Rove

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gay Republicans Invited For Drinks Only

Gay Republicans do you get it yet?

Gay Republican Representative David Dreier has finally hit the glass ceiling of conservative society this week, being overlooked to step in as House majority leader for indicted Tom Delay. No doubt David pretends that his lack of promotion has nothing to do with his sexual orientation. Ya, right.

Wake up David! Don’t you get it? Being a Republican will not change the fact that you are not a heterosexual. The GOP does not care how much money you contribute to their party- they eat hamburger, you suck hot dogs. When you are not in the room, your colleagues and so-called friends are repulsed by your "choice."

Yes, you are invited for drinks but do not bother staying for dinner. You are not really wanted. And you never will be. You are the GOP’s ugly step child. This is true for David Dreier, and it is true for all gay Republicans.

Maybe it is time all gay Republicans get up of their knees in Banana Republic chinos and stand up for more than their personal need for acceptance from the intolerant. The GOP does not like you. They do not want you. Why keep pretending that they do?

Republicans Dump Gay Leader, Pick House Whip Blunt

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Eliza Jane Scovill 2002-2005

This is a sad and sobering posting. With a war in Iraq and floods in the South, when I read this story I could not help but think it was the saddest thing I have heard all year.

It seems a HIV-positive mother who does not believe AIDS is real, continued in her denial and refused to test and treat her three-year-old daughter for the same condition. This child died of an AIDS-related illness. In this time of information and medicine, this should not have happened. Senseless is the only word that comes to mind.

A mother’s love is blind but it should never be merciless. Pretending AIDS is not real does not make it go away. Over 20 millions lives lost to this disease since 1981 are a testament to this. Now, due to a heartless woman whose own personal demons may have caused her own child’s death, add one three-year-old little girl to that total.

It is senseless. It is sad. It feels hopeless. And still I hope. I hope that this mother is the exception and not the rule, and that people are greater than this woman. For this hope and the soul of little Eliza Jane, today this I pray.

God bless you Eliza Jane Scovill. And may God forgive your mother.

A Mother's Denial, a Daughter's Death,0,1725776.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Friday, September 23, 2005

QOTW 9.23

Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.

~ Pearl S. Buck

Happy Birthday Mom!

Thank you Mom for EVERYTHING!

I love you more that words can say!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Gods' Work Not For Limp Wristed

Job Announcement:

Family Catholic Priest

Must be a man who heeds God’s calling.
Must be heterosexual, willing to travel and free of “any serious personality disorders,” (a.k.a. homosexuality). Must live by the Lord's Golden Rule-
most of the time.

Free room and board and automatic access to vulnerable children.

Gays not need apply.

Republicans: Embrace Your Butt-holes

We gays have been around for a long, long, long time but recently it seems that we are getting blammed for everything that goes wrong. From terrorist attacks to floods and hurricanes, if it's devasting news, it is the gays' fault.

Oh, how I long for days when Communism was the great evil that society feared, not men who have found pleasure in regions where sunshine is restricted.

Quite honestly, if conservatives would get over their fear of their anus,' we would have peace in the Middle East.

God-fearing is a given, but butt-hole fearing too? Will there ever be joy in a conservatives' Mudville? (Pun intended.) Maybe. Show me a true "compassionate conservative," and I will show you a conservative who probably owns a hand mirror or maybe even has a drunken-frat-boy story he still secretly ponders .

To all social conservatives: Embrace your butt-holes and let's give peace a REAL chance.

Ban Gay Student Group Or God Will Send A Hurricane

Calm After The Storm

These eerie yet arresting images were supposedly taken in rural Tennesse as Hurricane Katrina moved inland.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Maybe There Is A God

When godliness, abortion and eye burning, but yet quite intriguing man on man sex are to be blamed for the downfall of American society, who do moralist blame when their own organizations that are meant to protect us from ourselves, begin to crumble?

It seems the Christian has lost the Lords' upper right hand, as it slowly fades to black. Good news for free thinkers, maybe free will will once again become the norm and not the condemnation ... And maybe the Christian Coalitions' slow failure is the proof that there is a God, and they do not support hate and fear or those who preach it.

Christian Coalition Fading Fast

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

QOTW 9.16

The demand for equal rights in every vocation of life is just and fair; but, after all, the most vital right is the right to love and be loved.

~ Emma Goldman

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger

September 13, 2005

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-445-4633

Honorable Governor Schwarzenegger:

I am writing you in hopes that you will reconsider signing AB 849, the Civil Marriage and Religious Freedom Protection Act that is coming to your desk within the month.

Presently, marriage is a historic compliance of both a religious sacrament and a state contact. This is in conflict of our country’s founding policy of a separate church and state.

Regarding AB 849, it grants equal rights while separating church and state procedures regarding marriage. The state may issue civil union licenses and religious institution may provide a separate recognition. Those with moral objections are not forced to comply with the states legislation. Passing this law only extends the legal aspect of marriage already grated to heterosexual couples; the religious aspects remain separate and valid.

I understand that it’s a hot topic and both sides are very vehement about their positions. But I whole heartedly believe that signing this bill will set precedent and be “the gold standard” and model legislation for the rest of our nation. This is your opportunity to ensure a legacy of fairness and equality, not discrimination within our state. I hope you can see the bigger picture and not fear a few headlines. No doubt that it will be news for a week, but one year from today it will be old news and California will still remain the Golden State due to your leadership and courage!

Thank you for your time.


Pablo from L.A.

Take Action Now! Email The Governor

Monday, September 12, 2005

Better Misled Than Red

The Bush Administration thinking, compared to the progressiveness of the 1950s, is still playing Cold War games. As families and children suffer through Americas worst national disaster in the South, it seems international help is appreciated and accepted except from our scary-Pinko Cuban rivals.

Forget that we happily trade with our tyranical comrades China and North Korea, I guess the deep pockets of Miami Republicans (former Cubans) are deeper than we thought. Unmoved by Castro’s compassion and forever unforgiving of HIS communism, much needed aid and supplies will continue to come at tax payers expense, while donated Cuban supplies and man-power will gather dust in Havana. Better dead then red. Easy for them to say, look who's dying.

Maybe “politics before people” remains the word of the land. I know communism failed, and it looks like so does Democracy, if this is the thinking of our leaders. Ten days after Hurricane Katrina and we are still up to our necks in political manure. If only at times like these, can’t we all just get along?

Katrina Aid from Cuba? No Thanks, Says U.S.

News Flash! To Who?

I do not think this is "breaking news," but the caption says it all.

Friday, September 09, 2005

QOTW 9.9

Lets have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.

~Abraham Lincoln

Trusting Activitist Judges

We are damned if we “I do” and damned if we don’t. This week the California Assembly approved legislation that would clear way for same sex couples to marry each other, and Governor (and I use this term loosely) Schwarzenegger has promised to veto the bill before it’s even on his desk, claiming that he prefers to let the courts render their judgement on this issue.

Finally, it seems that judges are to be trusted again and are no longer tagged with as “activitist” when making legal and rightful decisions. The system work for you or against you depending on who you are. Here's hoping the judge who reviews this issue is mature, wise, intelligent, enlightened and brave enough to make the decision that Governor Girlie-man seems afraid to.

The conservatives can slow down progress by using the courts, but they cannot hold it back. Looking at the history of equal rights in this country, more are gained than are ever taken away. So, I will continue to trust the Constitution. Assuming it is not ammended to discriminate against me, my family or my friends or any other American. As I have read somewhere..."Right makes might..." and this fight though long, will not be lost.

Where's the Governator Now?