Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bush Is Not My Pope

Christian conservatives are now waging war to put Christ back into Christmas! Like he ever left. Just because we call it a "holiday tree" now does not mean that it does not represent Christmas day, the day of Jesus' birth.

Conservatives are upset that the President is sending out "holiday cards" not "christmas cards." Hello! The president is being inclusive to all those who don't believe in Christ, per se but still have the spirit of the season. In other, words those who are being Christ-like.

Apparently, that is not enough. We must all drink the Kool-aid from the Christian's punch bowl!

Come on folks. He's the president of the United States. He is a president for ALL the people, he is not the American Pope. This is not a christian oligarchy.

Maybe we worry less about keeping Christ in Christmas, and worry more about keeping democracy in our Democracy.

Bushes' 'Holiday' Cards Ring Hollow for Some

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