Monday, December 19, 2005

We Are The Stockholders Of America

A Letter from Marc, to America:

Hello to my closest Friends and Family,

I have never been politically active except as to read the news and vote. I have never felt as strongly as I do today that it is my responsibility to get involved and do something, even is it "just" writing letters. Who knows, someday it may turn into something more. But I' ll get to my point...

I am sick and tired of President Bush! I have had it with him. He has lied to me, mislead me, ruined my surplus, acted egocentrically, shown his lack of concern for the less well to do, shown a lack of leadership skills, displayed his lapse of morals on numerous occasions, shown his inability to articulate his thoughts in an intelligent manner countless times, and behave in a rational and caring manner during times of hardship, crisis, and disaster.

I am tired of him "talking down" to me and explaining issues to me as if I were in sixth grade. (You know what I mean by this.) This manner of speaking pretty much occurs in every one of his speeches that he knows a large percentage of the public will view or hear. Well, I say, "I am not stupid! You can not speak to me this way! Don't talk to me like I am stupid! No longer buddy, this must end!"

I am tired of President Bush's corporate, "good ole boy", "i'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine", treatment of The Presidency. The giving of favors to corporations in return for favors is not how to run a country. The running of this country demands the highest of standards. We set an example to the world and we bare much responsibility to it.

I do not feel safer, I do not feel better off, I do not feel more secure, I do not feel better prepared for my future life (except for what I have done) and I have seen the erosion of personal freedoms, I have seen the places in nature where I've been to and the places in nature I want to go be thrown into the back seat (the trunk for that matter), I do not feel like my heath care is a concern, I do not feel like children are given high priority (they should be given first priority, in my view), I have seen the religious right gain enormous power within this presidency, I have seen rational thinking come under attack, I have experienced a lack of respect for freedom of religions occur this Holiday Season, I have seen a surge in world dismay and dislike over United States Policy and actions, and I have seen the use of torture come into use. I have seen so many policies that I am not in agreement with, so many actions that I do not agree with, I have seen so many mistakes, over and over again, that it's time for me to say something.

It is high time for The People of The United States to take back their country. Take it back from the corporate funded politicians and give it back to elected government representatives that have The People's best interest in mind. I do not care the for running our country like a corporation as President Bush and his coterie have done. I get treated like "an employee" enough at work, I do not want to come home to hear and see that I am being treated in this same manner by MY government. At work we expect it. If we do not like the way we are treated at work, then we can leave and find a new job that gives us the respect we demand. My country, I can not leave. My country should work for me. We are the stock holders of these United States.

By this point you can clearly see that I am sick and tired of President Bush. This is not about Republicans versus Democrats or Conservatives versus Progressives, I definitely have some of each in me. This is about accepting responsibility (before you are made to!) with sincerity and by behaving accordingly for a person in this highest of positions. He is a world leader for God's sake! Act like it!

It is time to do something. I am tired of feeling powerless, that I can not have an effect on this great nation of ours and even the world. It is time for me to do something.

This evening, I sent out three e-mails to my two state senators and my congresswoman. I expressed my displeasure with the Bush Presidency. I requested that they do everything within their power to remove President Bush from office. I also asked for advice on what I could do to participate in removing this man from office.

The past two or three years I have been reading books on politics, listening to the news, and reading the news online (both sides and down the middle even!). I have educated myself about many things and have discovered how much more there I have yet to learn.
If you have not already done so,I suggest you to do the same. I think you might be suprised how interesting it can be. Listen, read, and watch! From the left to the right and then back again. Do some of your own writing to get your thoughts down and ask yourself what really, really matters to you. Revisit it over and over and over again, further clarifying each time. Are YOU being served with YOUR best interest in mind? Have you really taken the time to decide where your best interest lie, or have you come to rely on someone else to tell you? well, I'll let you decide to decide now, you know how I feel now.

This took me quite lot of courage to write, my first mass e-mailing of me sharing my thoughts with all of you. I hope it gives you pause for consideration. I do not intend to be offensive but to be honest and share my feelings.

I have also provided links to the Senate and Congress so that you can find your representatives. I urge you to follow them and find out what they believe in and how they are representing you. Most importantly, let them know what you think. It will take 10 minutes or less to get involved and write them a letter by e-mail.

As you may or may not know, I am a gay male, 36 years old, in a long term, 13 year relationship. We have had our ups and downs and have come out all the stronger. I have experimented with drugs. I have questioned organized religion's intentions and beliefs. I have never been particularly outstanding. I'm pretty low key. I have my insecurities. I feel like those few things alone would make me one of the least "wanted to be heard from" voices that most of America would want to hear from. But here I am. I am going to make a difference in this world and I began tonight.

I urge you, beg you to do the same. Write a short letter and let your representatives know how you feel, even if you disagree with me! Get to know who they are and what they stand for. Get just a little bit more involved. It is your responsibility you know! Don't be like Bush and disregard it! (okay, that's enough guilt. No one will ever know what you do : )
Please feel free to distribute this e-mail as you see fit. Please use a cut and paste format instead of simply forwarding. This is my opinion only and do not wish for anyone else's name or e-mail to be associated with it unless they decide to forward it themselves. Find your Senator here! Find your Congressperson here!

I wish you all the best and thank you for your time.


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