Monday, September 12, 2005

Better Misled Than Red

The Bush Administration thinking, compared to the progressiveness of the 1950s, is still playing Cold War games. As families and children suffer through Americas worst national disaster in the South, it seems international help is appreciated and accepted except from our scary-Pinko Cuban rivals.

Forget that we happily trade with our tyranical comrades China and North Korea, I guess the deep pockets of Miami Republicans (former Cubans) are deeper than we thought. Unmoved by Castro’s compassion and forever unforgiving of HIS communism, much needed aid and supplies will continue to come at tax payers expense, while donated Cuban supplies and man-power will gather dust in Havana. Better dead then red. Easy for them to say, look who's dying.

Maybe “politics before people” remains the word of the land. I know communism failed, and it looks like so does Democracy, if this is the thinking of our leaders. Ten days after Hurricane Katrina and we are still up to our necks in political manure. If only at times like these, can’t we all just get along?

Katrina Aid from Cuba? No Thanks, Says U.S.

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