Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Message From Michael

Just wanted to share widoms from my friend Michael (published with his permission):

Ladies and gents, it is time for me to make my move to another city in pursuit of my dreams and aspirations.When moving to Toronto I never thought that I would be leaving the city to do what I love. Instead, the big TO has taught me some of the most valuable lessons that a person can learn. These are not things you learn in a book, in class or from your mother. They are lessons of life and your life experience. Since we all have different lives, our lessons seem different and so do our experiences and yet they are all very similar when you narrow out all of the drama.One lesson that has taken me a long time is “follow your heart”.

It’s funny that this is such a strong one for me because in high school I played the Tin Man in the Wizard of OZ. No matter who you ask and what others say, all of the answers to your questions are within you, if only you would listen. This leads into another great lesson, “Trust yourself”. How will you ever live life if you can not believe in your own choices.

I’ve finally realized that fear of making the wrong choice is the wrong choice and has only paralyzed me. Next we come to “failure is the road to success”. Who do you know succeeded on their first try in anything? Babies don’t just get up and start walking. They fall a few times, so I’ve learned to be that baby. But you’ll never walk if you don’t get up and try again. And if you don’t get up and try again, you’ll stay in those diapers a lot longer.“Keep going” was a most recent psychological breakthrough that I had.

We all encounter walls that, at first, may seem impossible to climb. But who said you had to climb. There are a million ways to get to the other side. So never give up, just build and big bomb and blow the wall to bits! Why do we limit ourselves? Probably because we were taught to.

This summer I did things that I NEVER THOUGHT I could do and realized that I AM capable of doing so much more that I think I can. It is so great to know and have that power in your pocket because the box of limitations that we live in is lifted and we see our world as it truly is.

Now here’s a word that means so much to me and probably everyone, “Commitment”. Yikes! I’ve had so much trouble committing myself to anything. All I ever did was take samples of every flavor of ice cream and hold up the line with indecision. Just make a choice and move on. Who knows what life will taste like and wouldn’t it be boring if you did?!

I can still hear my mothers voice saying, “Michael, just be patient”. Those words use to drive me up the wall, probably because I didn’t have the patience to listen. Again, this is not something you learn just by reading it in a Deepok Chopra book. Like patience, you must be patient to become patient. Does that make sense? Just be patient and soon it will!

Courage, strength and never fear are among some of the other wonderful lessons that have come my way. I’m not saying that I have mastered these, but I am aware that these are tools for me to use so that I can live my life to the fullest.Dance has been a long time dream of mine. Actually, it was figure skating and gymnastics that hid themselves in my heart from a very early age.

To pursue something like this at 27 seems insane but to me, it has been the greatest challenge and experience in my life. I don’t know how to explain it but when I dance, deep inside, another land exists. This is where I have learned so much about myself. All of these lessons have been learned in dance and in life. My spirit is taking me on a journey of self discovery and I am very grateful for having been given a ticket. I am also grateful for having met all of you along the way and know that everyone will remain in my heart. When I dance, when I sing, when I jump and when I fall, you have all blessed my life with yours...

with love,

And you have blessed us Michael, with yours! Good luck in Montreal!


Pablo from L.A. said...

Thank you for you support. Nice to hear nice words :) Pablo

Anonymous said...

What a great outlook in life, I wish everyone thought like yourself, in order to be happy you have to search deep inside and do what its best even if its not popular.