Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mexicans...Get Some Cojones!

Being a proud 2nd generation US born Mexican-American who has seen this problem with ILLEGAL immigration (not "undocumented workers" - called it what is really is) explode over the past ten years, I am still grateful that I live in a country where even the people who are not here legally have the right to protest and raise their voices.

Maybe if these temporary workers candidates had more "cojones" to stand up against their own oligarchic government, they would not be here searching for a better life, they would be in Mexico demanding it. (1776, America did not become America by protestors matching through England!)

I do not fault Mexican immigrants for wanting a better life but when did it become our responsibility to provide it and not Mexico's. Our neighbors to the North got it. Canadians are not selling gum in their streets to survive. When I see all those protestors, I see people who are mad at the wrong political administration. Mexicans need to look at the failures of their own government and demand changes from it.

To my Latino bretheren- You and your children deserve a wonderful life; the USA is not denying that from you…your own Mexican leaders are! Fight them... not us!

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