Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Who Are The Savages

When an Islamic leader calls for a jihad and the death to America, we call him tyrannical, an extremist, a terrorist, a savage, but when a U.S. Christian minister calls for the death of another country's leader, we call in and gladly give him and his church money. What happened to "Thou shall not kill." Have we forgotten these words were spoken directly to us from God.

I am having trouble here. So who are the savages? Children of Islam or children of God? It seems they speak the same language, and it's "not love thy neighbor."

U.S. Evangelist Calls for Assassination of Chavez

I think the question that really needs to be answered here is the question rarely asked and fewer really want an answer to: What would Allah or Jesus or Buddah or L. Ron Hubbard do?

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